Thursday, December 11, 2008

As my journey comes to a close....

This post is a bit premature, but as I am looking forward to the holidays, I see that I am near the end of my journey. I have lived nearly 365 days of trying to find more eco-friendly ways to live my life, and it has really shaped me.

Today I sit down to wrap the last of the Christmas gifts I have purchased, and while I am doing this, I will be using as little giftwrap as possible. Very little gets wasted now!

I am even finding ways to sneak more eco-friendly elements into peoples' gifts this year!

I have also noticed that the turn by corporations to be more eco-aware is on the rise. It's better for their bottom line, and it shows a huge amount of corporate responsibility, especially since most of these things are being done with little/no fanfare. Promoting reusable bags, using plant-based materials in manufacturing giftcards, asking if you want a receipt instead of just assuming and printing one, using sand instead of salt when plowing their parking lots, the reduction of unnecessary packaging, etc. Businesses that are more attentive to this are certainly getting more of my business than those without.

One thing I will say is that it is truly about just being more aware of what you are doing every day and the small changes you can make.

I have already come up with my next resolution and 1 year blog idea, and that will be unveiled in my final post over here in a few weeks. I am hoping that next year I will be able to post more frequently!

I don't even know if anyone is reading this much anymore, but if you are reading, bless your heart! I would love to hear what you have done to adapt more "green" habits in your everyday life.

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