Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Cleaning Stuffs

We are moving! In less than a week we will be back in Madison, with all of its goodness - Farmer's Market, Trader Joe's, etc! I am cleaning and packing like a mad woman, and on this part of my journey, I am going green, as well!

I got a lead that my local grocery carried biodegradable garbage bags, so off I went. Sad to search high and low and not find any, though.

I did however head over to the "green" section and lo and behold - Dr Bronners Castille Soap and cheaper than it is at Target! I have been stalking a recipe for all natural homemade laundry detergent, and the store had all of the components! After I bought them I managed to talk Joel into letting me try it out, so we will see how it all goes!

I also got a little bottle of lemon essential oil for my all-natural homemade all purpose cleaner.

I can't wait to see how all of this works!!!

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